Day 40: Entering the Unknown

Max McGonigle 2016

On Friday, my fellow MSBA 2016 classmates and I had the privilege of touring the MLS offices and hearing from four employees who are tirelessly working to build the MLS brand in the United States. While Soccer is known as the world’s game due to its heavy popularity overseas, its rise in the United States has been relatively slow compared …

Day 39: A Strong Base to Stand On

Casey Madura 2016

It is hard to believe that I have been working for Madison Square Garden and participating in MSBA 2016 for over a month now. I really could not ask for a more incredible summer filled with experiences that I will never forget. One experience that I am looking forward to getting is working my first event. Yes, I have helped …

Day 38: A Brand in the Making

Rajesh Bhayana 2016

You hear the word “brand” tossed around all the time like it has some simple definition that everyone should know. The big wigs of our industry let the word slip off their tongues so easily that you would think it’s their first name, and we are are continuously told to build our own “personal brand”, but no one ever stops …

Day 37: I’m Going to Miss This

Ryan Daniel 2016

Today, similar to all my days spent in this program, was an all-around remarkable day. This morning at my internship with Mission Athletecare the entire office was buzzing. There were meetings every other hour, a large number of packages to be sent to influencers, inventory to track, and Excel sheets to create. I was running around the office giving help …

Day 36: Only the Strong Survive

Camille Ertel 2016

As I sit at my computer trying to write this blog post, all I can think about is how fast these last five weeks have gone by. It seems like only days ago that I moved into the Big City and anxiously and excitedly started this summer, and now we are more than halfway done with MSBA 2016. My internship …