Day 43: Letter to My Younger Self

Sumner Franklin 2017

Dear 19-Year-Old Sumner,

You know this already, but trying to get a scholarship from a Division I lacrosse program is quite difficult. So you’re settling for a small school where you don’t necessarily see a future for yourself. Why? Because you want to play the sport you love just a little bit longer. You know it’s not exactly what you wanted, but you’ll give it a shot anyways.

What you don’t know now is that one day you’ll be grateful this is the route you took, regardless of the regret you may feel right now.

Throughout freshman year, you’ll find out a lot about yourself. You’ll realize that taking classes for a major you aren’t passionate about isn’t exactly ideal. You’ll come to realize that giving up your sport is hard, but that there are far better opportunities out there for you. You’ll become more self-aware and finally realize what you want.

So you’ll make a change.

You’ll transfer schools – take the classes that interest you, secure internships you know will benefit you down the line, and enjoy your last three years of college with no regrets.

Come senior year, you’ll know you want to work in sports but won’t be sure how to go about getting into the industry. You already know this, but your mother is your rock and wants the absolute best for you, so one day she’ll hit you with the link to a Forbes article written by Jason Belzer (who you’ll later meet) that mentions the Manhattan Sports Business Academy.

You’ll look into the program and you’ll apply. Why not, right?

A couple weeks will go by and you’ll get an interview.

In another week or so, you’re in.

Imagine that, kid. Now go thank your mother.

This program man … wow. You won’t believe what this program has planned for you: (SPOILER ALERT) an internship with the PGA TOUR, countless Speaker Series events with sports business professionals, visits to offices you never thought you’d step foot in, and trips to places like Madison Square Garden, the NBA, Bleacher Report, and NBC Sports – and that’s not even the half of it.

You may not believe me now, but you’ll meet CEOs, CFOs, and all the leaders making waves in the sports industry who will be people you’ll build an entire network around. And that’s just what you need in this industry – a network. That’s what this program will do for you if you take full advantage of the opportunity.

So I beg of you – have fun with your friends, kill it in school, and look forward to graduation. I know people say not to wish away time, so don’t – just look forward to the future.

Most importantly, get this into your head: graduation won’t be the end. Not even close. It’ll be the beginning of the best summer of your life and what I know will be the start of a long career in sports – thanks to your mother and thanks to everyone at MSBA.

Exactly what you always wanted, right?

Cheers, kid.