Day 7: Sunday Funday

Nicole Bauman 2016

As I sat on the plane headed to New York City a week ago, I found myself almost to the point of shaking from a combination of nerves and excitement. I had only been to the city once before for a short vacation so I wasn’t exactly sure how to maneuver through the subway system. My commute to Game Seven Marketing, where I am doing my MSBA internship this summer, is about a 45-minute ride and is remarkably different than my five-minute walk to class in Madison. So far, working at Game Seven has been an amazing experience. One of the projects I am involved in is the upcoming release of Kevin Durant’s new shoe. Nike Basketball is one of Game Seven’s clients, which makes for an incredible experience working with such a prestigious and dominant company in the sports business industry.

“Listening to successful and inspirational speakers at companies such as Leverage and Madison Square Garden has been a unique experience that I could not find anywhere else.”

This past week was exceptionally busy going straight from work to whatever MSBA event we had planned that night, so it was nice to finally catch up on some sleep this weekend. Sunday was an active, yet relaxed day for most of us. I started the day catching up on laundry and working out in the exercise room located in our building. After, a few of us walked over to Central Park to tan in the sun and play some football. Our game ended up going into overtime until Brycen connected with Will for a game winning catch. The activities for the day continued as we headed over to the nearby basketball courts to play some games of 3-on-3. Shortly after we started, Brycen’s arm got tangled up and he ended up dislocating his shoulder. Meghan and Casey helped take him to the emergency room and he was a great sport about the situation. He will be in a sling for a couple of days, and needless to say he won’t be playing basketball for a while now. We finished our night cooking dinner together as a group and watching the newest episode of Game of Thrones in the kitchen area of our dorm.

I am looking forward to what is in store for us this upcoming week, as MSBA has already been such an eye-opening experience for me. Listening to successful and inspirational speakers at companies such as Leverage and Madison Square Garden has been a unique experience that I could not find anywhere else. Our group has already gotten to know one another pretty well and it has only been a week. I am eager to spend the next seven weeks exploring New York City with my fellow MSBA 2016 classmates!