Day 10: It’s All About the Ride

Jeme Obeime 2015

Trying to get on the subway at 8am will give you a pretty good idea of the population size in this city. Every age, race, religion, and zodiac sign is represented in my subway car during my 20-minute commute to work, and it is pretty exciting (and rare) to see the same person twice. Not only are there a lot of people living here, but it has become clear that there are also a lot of people pursuing the same dreams as we are.

“I am right where I am supposed to be”

Last night, we received a ton of advice from MSBA Alumni about setting ourselves apart in the workplace, which I’m sure we all put to good use today at our respective internships. My blog post is coming at the perfect time because we had the pleasure of working with Nicole Auerbach, a distinguished writer from USA Today at our Personal Branding Workshop tonight. Nicole again brought up this idea of differentiating ourselves from others in our field and walked us through the steps she has taken in order to be a successful journalist. As someone who has read Nicole’s work, it was interesting to learn how she approaches writing and get a better understanding of her creative process.

We’re barely into our second week, but MSBA has already taught us relevant skills and introduced us to people whose advice and guidance will help us get where we want to be. Even when I’m being pressed against the subway door, clutching my purse with the sound of crying babies ringing in my ear, I can’t help but to think that I am right where I am supposed to be.