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Wow. One day left. We made it.
The next few days, and the weekend that follow, are going to be one hell of a celebration. Everyone’s focus was on the commencement ceremony on Thursday and what exactly it represented: the culmination of 8 weeks of hard work, countless lessons learned, and a lot of fun along the way. The other sense I got from the group was one of excitement – not excitement to be done with MSBA, but rather excitement to begin the next chapter, and excitement spurred by all of the opportunities that MSBA has presented to us. There were talks of meeting back in New York in a year’s time, current and future employment, and where everyone was going to wind up. Of course, the last few days were bittersweet, but that was far overshadowed by the optimistic outlook everyone had for his or her own future.
For some, MSBA was a chance to live in New York City and meet the best of the best in the business of sport; for others, it was a way into the business of sport – a way to get in the door and hopefully never look back; but for all, it was the beginning of what will be an incredible next few years of our lives and long, successful careers in the industry. Wednesday was a quiet one as far as MSBA days go, but I think it gave all of us a chance to see the summer not as an 8-week crash course, but as a springboard into an incredibly exciting new stage of our lives.