“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough, we must do.” Leonardo da Vinci Anyone in the Sports or Entertainment industries, or anyone who has tried to be, can attest that it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. That assertion has been drilled into my head on a damn-near weekly basis since my first …
Day 9: Show Me The Money!
Today’s Speaker was one of those individuals where, when you sit back and reflect, all you can think in the back of your head is … “Wow.” Here you are, 20 years old, thinking you finally “have life by the balls” (for lack of a better term), currently enduring your most productive summer ever. Yet, if there is one thing …
Day 8: On Camaraderie & Team Building
Much is said about the importance of teamwork in all walks of life; sports, academics, work, social interactions, and family all have instances in which teamwork is an instrumental tool in advancing the interests of the individuals and the team they make up. No industry is as aware of the importance of teamwork as the sports industry, and that’s natural, …
Day 7: Expect the Unexpected
Going into MSBA this summer, I had a lot of expectations. It’s safe to say that this first week alone has exceeded all of those expectations. I could not have asked for a better group of people to share this experience with. As our Alumni Mixer was coming to an end and the Yankees were heading out to the field …
Day 6: Like a Little Kid at Disneyland
For my entire life sports has always been my true passion. My mom loves to tell the story about how I taught myself how to read when I was three years old because I wanted to read the sports page in the newspaper. And while I have strong interests in every sport, there has always been one that stood out …