Day 5: Creating Hype

Natalie Sams 2018

I love how brands connect people. A brand has the ability to bring people together no matter their background, and with social media coverage becoming more prominent, global connectivity is growing as well. That level of connectivity is electric and powerful. Sitting in my first integrated strategic communication class at the University of Kentucky four years ago, I knew I …

Day 4: First Impression

Sarah Linebaugh 2018

I woke up on Day 4 of MSBA with a renewed excitement when I remembered tonight would be our Kickoff Celebration, where my fellow classmates and I would finally meet our Mentors after a week of mostly emails and a few phone calls. After the excitement passed, a nervous feeling began creeping in. I started to question everything and nitpick …

Day 3: How Do You Want to be Remembered?

Andrea Galea 2018

As I sit and allow my thoughts and reflections to simmer in my mind after having attended a panel of three highly qualified, experienced individuals, a consistent phrase resonates: be your own unique self. We had the pleasure of listening to David Kaye (BSE Global), Suzanne Edelberg (Foot Locker), and Leah Smith (LeadDog Marketing Group), who provided candid insight as …

Day 2: The MSBA Way

Claudio Martinez 2018

New York City screams hustle. Every day, people come to the concrete jungle in hopes of opportunity, of the chance to showcase their abilities and better themselves. In this way and many others, the MSBA program directly reflects the city it was born in, and this was apparent from Day Two when our MSBA 2018 class sat down for our …

Day 1: New York or Nowhere

Anastasia Smolenski 2018

Before I knew I wanted to work in sports, I knew I wanted to be a New Yorker. At some point in my life, it didn’t really matter for how long, I just had to be able to say, “I live in New York.” Now don’t get me wrong, growing up in Jersey was great, but something about the fast …